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12th September 2019
When you feel its time to seek advice, finding and choosing a qualified and reputable financial adviser you can trust can be overwhelming.
If you saw 10 different advisers, you’ll likely get 10 difference personalities and approaches - there is no one size fits all. We’ve put together a few simple tips to help you find the right adviser for you.
Ask around
If you feel you are at a point in your life where you will benefit from professional advice, chances are the people around you (friends and family) are in the same position. There is no better referral than one given by someone who has been through the experience. They can also help you understand the process, benefits and what to expect.
Check them out
Once you’ve shortlisted a few advisers, checking out their website is a no brainer. Have a look around to see if their site speaks to you. Most advisers will have specific client groups they specialise in so if their website reflects your concerns, needs and wants, its likely they specialise in clients like you.
It’s also important to check ASIC adviser register which confirms that your adviser is currently registered, the types of advice they can provide and their experience and qualifications including university degrees and whether they are a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® (Financial advisers need to meet higher education standards over the next few years if an adviser doesn’t have a university degree as a minimum, they’ll likely be busy studying right now).
You can find Brendan McAllister and Lisa Kirk on the register by clicking their names.
Arrange a meeting
No amount of research will ever compare to meeting someone face-to-face. Most advisers are aware of the fact that many potential clients aren’t 100% sure what to expect and offer a complimentary, no obligation first meeting for you to find out.
In terms of preparation, this will again vary from adviser to adviser. We require no more preparation that the willingness to be open and honest as this is when we can provide the best outcomes for you.
Its important after this meeting to reflect on how it went by asking yourself the following?
Did they listen to me and understand my needs and concerns?
Did I get a positive feeling from the experience and do I feel like I am already more knowledgeable and empowered about my finances?
Was I comfortable? Do I feel this is the start of a trusting relationship?
The greatest benefit is gained from a long-term financial planning relationship so its important that you make the right decision from the start and don’t feel pressured into a relationship that doesn’t feel right.
Enjoy the journey!